This story is about Halloween...
Find the creepy thing here...
- If you hear foot steps behind you on this night, don't look back. It may be the dead following you. Turning back could mean that you will soon join the dead.
- Girls who carry a lamp to a spring of water on this night can see their future husband in the reflection.
- Girls who carry a broken egg in a glass to a spring of water (during the day) can not only see their future husband by mixing some of the spring water into the glass, but she can also see a glimpse of her future children.
- Halloween derives its name from the fact that in the Christian calendar it occurs the day before 'All Saints' or All Hallows' Day. It was the last night of the old year according to the ancient calendar of the Celts. On that night it was said that the witches, hobgoblins, warlocks, and other evil spirits walked abroad and devoted themselves to wicked revels. But the good fairies, too, according to some folklore, made their appearance at this time, but only from the hour of dusk until midnight.
- You should walk around your home three times backwards and counterclockwise before sunset on Halloween to ward off evil spirits
- If you see a spider on Halloween, it could be the spirit of a dead loved one who is watching you
- A person born on Halloween can see and talk to spirits
what about jack o'lantern? what's his story???